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22 - Lecce-Frosinone (3-0) - 2 - Zanchetta
22 - Lecce-Frosinone (3-0) - 2 - Zanchetta




Descrizione: Il primo gol di Chevanton con la maglia giallorossa: un mix di bravura e astuzia.
Parole Chiave: lecce, parma, chevanton, 2001, 2002
Data: 11.07.2004 12:28
Click ricevuti: 25910
Downloads: 3170
Valutazione: 9.34 (39 Voto(i))
Dimensione file: n/a
Inserita da: staff

Autore: Commento:

Utente iscitto dal: 29.03.2011
Commenti: 5

Attetions!My dear comrade in game.The World of Warcraft team has posted its first Ask the Devs thread on the official forums. The Q&A covers topics as varied as appearance tabs, whether or not Outland and Northrend will be 'renewed',wow power leveling Holy Paladin mastery and more.
Q: Considering how often changes meant to balance PVE performance for certain classes then creates imbalance in their performance in PVP,wow power leveling and vice verse, have the developers ever considered completely separating the two? – Azunya (North America/ANZ)
A: That’s a common solution proposed by our active forum participants for whom balance may be the single most important concern when they play.buy wow gold You have to put yourself in the mind of a new player just trying to pick up the game though.cheap wow gold Already there are a bewildering array of class abilities and talents, many with their own idiosyncrasies or special rules.cheap wow power leveling Now you have to virtually double that if you want all of the player spells to have a PvE and a PvP tooltip. We prefer solutions like resilience and diminishing returns on crowd control that are more global rules rather than virtually every ability having a PvE vs.buy wow gold a PvP coefficient. We want it to feel like one game with a unified set of rules.
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29.03.2011 07:50 Offline basbo11




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